Caucasus under Review (Volume 4, 2014)
The Caucasus is a region of both great diversity and potential; it is also a region about which much remains to be discovered. However, during the last decade, numerous publications on the region have enabled us to better comprehend this diversity and potential. In this sense, this section aims to introduce a number of these publications in order to keep our readers up-to-date with the available literature.
Latest news
- 03/17/2020 Call for Submission: “Non-Alignment Movement and Its Perspective in International Affairs”. Deadline: 1 July 2020 2473 views
Popular articles
- 02/24/2020 The Role of Irredentism in Russia’s Foreign Policy 2418 views
- 02/24/2020 Construction of sub-national identity vis-à-vis parent state: Gagauz case in Moldova 2111 views
- 02/24/2020 The Conflict in Ukraine - The Geopolitics of Separatism and Divergent Identities (Commentary) 1975 views
- 02/24/2020 The Role of the Soviet Past in Contemporary Georgia 1945 views