News issue

Farid Shafiyev
Editor's note
The current issue of the Caucasus International (CI) journal entitled “Irredentism, Separatism and Identity-based Conflicts” is dedicated to the dynamics of the protracted, frozen and boiling territorial and identity-based conflicts and the repercussions
- A Year of Missed Opportunities for Resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict (Commentary)
- Illegal Economic Activities in the Armenia-occupied Territories of Azerbaijan
- The Role of the Soviet Past in Contemporary Georgia
- The “Frozen Conflict Perspective” in Eastern Ukraine and its Influence on Identity Construction
- The Conflict in Ukraine - The Geopolitics of Separatism and Divergent Identities (Commentary)
- Construction of sub-national identity vis-à-vis parent state: Gagauz case in Moldova
- The Role of Irredentism in Russia’s Foreign Policy
- Caucasus under Review (Volume 9, 2019)