Georgian Media and Georgian Facebook

The article covers Georgia’s media problems and the challenges it faces in the establishment of civil society. The author sets out the context of the 2003 Rose Revolution, when Georgian society rose in rebellion, refusing to forgive the ruling power for the errors made during the parliamentary elections. The author argues that while the current administration is ostentatious in displaying its recognition of basic democratic values: rule of law, free media, primacy of property rights, it is simultaneously utilizing all available means to establish control over the media. This begins with hidden censorship and crude meddling in editorial strategy, and runs to encouraging corrupt systems in media outlets. This is an effective way to destroy media credibility in the eyes of the nation. One of the central arguments of the article is that government-controlled capital has not yet reached media outlets of this type and newspapers in particular are in grave financial straits; the level of independence of their editorial policy is much higher.

Authors: Zviad Koridze