The Iron Silk Road: How will Turkey be Involved?

The Iron Silk Road, the railway corridor connecting China to Europe and Middle East, is one of the fastest growing railway corridors in the world. China’s strategic plan for creating strong economic ties with Eurasia, known as ‘One Belt, One Road’, is the primary source of this growth, though not the only one. Many other countries, including Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, all have specific political and economic interests in this new corridor. Turkey, located on the ancient Silk Road and at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, has ambitious targets with regard to its involvement in the Iron Silk Road. This article discusses Turkey’s current and future position in Iron Silk Road, including its efforts and investments in the initiative, such as the Marmaray tunnel and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway projects.

Authors: Onur Uysal